Athena CHAN

Residential Student Leader
Resident of Patrick S C Poon Amity College

Time flies.  It has been my second year in Patrick S C Poon Amity College. Residential life has become an important part of my university life.  In Patrick S C Poon Amity College, I have gained unforgettable experience.  The first memorable experience is the Amity Volunteer Team which was my first participation in RC life.  I met some new friends and had the opportunity to serve the community. In the volunteer team, I learned how to prepare and lead the voluntary service.  The second unforgettable experience was becoming a Residential Student Leader (RSL).  At first, I didn’t know where to start.  Fortunately, with the guidance of the RC Management Team, my partner and I became more cooperative with each other.  

In addition, I have also met many like-minded friends as they were RSL too.  Each of them has a lot of ideas and I have benefited from them a lot. In RC life, there are many interesting things while living with a roommate. Luckily, my roommate was from the same major so our timetable was almost the same. Living under the same roof, I have more time to meet my roommates than to meet my family, which got us to know more about each other. The most interesting moment in RC must be writing papers all night and then returning to the RC for rest after breakfast. These will only happen when living in the RC and I cherish every bit of the residential life. Looking back, I am very grateful to be a member of Patrick S C Poon Amity College. I hope the schoolmates who are going to join our family in the future will find their roles and enjoy the residential life.



Joshua CHIU

Residential Student Leader
Resident of Patrick S C Poon Amity College

The theme of Patrick S C Poon Amity College is “Community Service”.  In the process of caring and serving others, students have more opportunities to serve the community and develop leadership skills.  In the past year, our Amity Volunteer Team had organized a series of community services, such as Shek Mun Estate family picnics, visiting elderly, carnivals, etc. These activities made my residential life more exciting and fruitful.  It also boosted the relationships between us and residents in Shatin. In the process of serving others, I realized that it is more blessed to give than to receive, and at the same time, I was grateful for everything I had now, and I also found the goals and meaning of my life.

The life in residential college is very rich. I have met many like-minded friends and find my interests.  Imagine the moment of sipping coffee and chatting with friends, feeling a strong sense of social culture atmosphere at the high table dinner, cooking some small dishes with friends in the evening, rushing to the classroom with friends at dawn, meeting with three or five friends during leisure time and talking until mid-night … I don’t know when it started, and my fellow residents and I gradually became good friends and even confidants. This is the charm of Patrick S C Poon Amity College!



Karen CHOW

Resident of Patrick S C Poon Amity College

Fruitful Life at Patrick S C Poon Amity College

Time flies, I will use the term “fruitful” to describe my residential life. “High table dinner”, “Amity Volunteer Team” and my lovely roommates make my residential life perfect. I am proud to be an Patrick S C Poon Amity College resident. Every college has its own theme, like my college “we are passionate and caring, active in organizing in community services and reaching out to different groups of people in need.” After joining the big family of Patrick S C Poon Amity College, I have more opportunities to participate in various community services. All of them are invaluable experience to me. I am very happy to join the “Amity Volunteer Team”. It not only teaches me how to be a servant leader but also gives me a chance to meet my team members. We work together and help each other to overcome the difficulties. I really enjoy every activity that we have organized this year, such as the Organ Donation Awareness Week and the picnic with families in Shek Mun Estate. These activities become my unforgettable memories of my residential life. In Patrick S C Poon Amity College, I can find my goals and I can do what I want. Besides, I learn the skill of how to serve the elderly and children that is beneficial to my future. High table dinner is also a new experience for me. I have never joined this kind of banquet before. We need to wear formal college gown in the dinner and learn the table manners. For every dinner, a guest speaker will be invited to share his or her knowledge and experience in various fields. So every dinner is a lesson, we can share our ideas with professors or residents in a relaxing environment. We enjoy the meal and our wonderful residential life. In the residential college, the most important thing I have learned is to get along with others and become independent. I am really lucky that I have met four kind and funny roommates. After a year, we have built up good relationships. We always hang out or study together even in the holiday like family members. Seize your present moment and open up your future. Patrick S C Poon Amity College is a big family. We welcome all students to join our warm family and make good use of the platform to show off your talent. Hope you can find something interesting in the coming year.


時光飛逝,回顧這一年的書院生活,可以用溫馨美滿來總結,一個個聚會的圓滿落幕,為這年的書院生活錦上添花。 加入潘燊昌樂群書院最幸運的是可以與四位義工隊成員結緣,還記得當初加入的原因是一個美麗的誤會,但其後和四位成員合作,不單學習到如何成為僕人領袖,更留下不少美好回憶。由當初的陌生走到現在的默契,的確不是一朝一夕之事,因此真要感謝當初的留下。 除了義工活動,結識到幾位室友也令書院生活變得多姿多彩,大家朝夕相對,在不知不覺間建立了深厚的感情,四人不時在房內談論「少女心事」,學期完結真是有些依依不捨,雖然有室友要離開,但也期待新的室友加入。 潘燊昌樂群書院最盛大的活動當然是高桌晚宴,晚宴除了可以悉心打扮外,亦成為了老師與學生之間的溝通橋樑,在濃厚的文化氣氛下學習到餐桌禮儀及擴闊眼界,令宿生更能融入樂群這個大家庭。 承上啟下,展望將來,期待新成員的加入把潘燊昌樂群書院的精神傳承下去,亦希望新加入的您可以在書院中找到另一個發光發熱的自己。