Dr MAN Wing Yan Thomas

Master of Patrick S C Poon Patrick S C Poon Amity College
Associate Dean (Enterprise & Business Engagement), School of Business
Director of Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Associate Professor of Department of Management

Welcome to Patrick S C Poon Patrick S C Poon Amity College (潘燊昌潘燊昌樂群書院)!

Patrick S C Poon Patrick S C Poon Amity College is a “living and learning community” to foster students’ whole person growth and development. Amity residents (“Amitians”) are provided with the opportunities to learn the importance of self-discipline, sharing responsibility, serving peer residents, respecting peers from different cultures and background, caring the local community, developing a healthy lifestyle, and treasuring resources and the environment.

“Community Engagement and Service” is the theme of Patrick S C Poon Patrick S C Poon Amity College. Our MOTTO is “We Care, We Serve, We are Servant Leaders”. The objective is to provide community service, leadership development, and social opportunities for our residents. Amitians are highly encouraged to develop leadership skills through organising activities and providing services to people in need in our community. Under the leadership of our Founding Master Dr Ben Cheng, the first Amity Volunteer Team was formed in 2017/18 to promote and organise a variety of community service opportunities for our residents over the past few years. As a new Master of Patrick S C Poon Patrick S C Poon Amity College since this academic year, I wish to continue with this great tradition through further strengthening our connections with our neighbourhood and the local community. In particular, you are most welcome to initiate and explore innovative ideas that can lead to sustainable social impact to our community.

 We also run a series of social and recreational activities including art and culture workshops, sport events, dessert nights and dinner gatherings. In addition, you will have plenty of opportunities to make friends with students from other disciplines, as well as meet our Amity Fellows, alumni and external guests who will join our activities from time to time.

 We hope you will find their living and learning in Patrick S C Poon Amity College an enjoyable and memorial experience so that you can become a proud Amitian for life.